


Nikus Infobox

Programming language: C, ASM

Last Version: Beta 1 "Waterfall"

First Version: 0.1

License: GPLv3


Developer: Nikus Team, DFC Team

Userland: suckless

State: Beta

Date of Creation: 6 Nov. 2021

Kernel Type: Megakernel (but moving to module kernel concept)

OS Family: Unix-like

Platforms: i686

Nikus - Distribution and kernel written by Nikus Team and DFC Team, at the moment the latest version was released on May 25, 2024 Beta 1 "Waterfall" so far there is only nsh (and that is raw) and a couple of drivers for VGA but the kernel itself is almost ready only to wait until all the issues on the Nikus tracker will close (10 pieces).